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At PSSLAI, we understand that life's desires and necessities—be it the latest gadgets, a dream vacation, essential household items, or making significant life investments—should not have to wait. Meeting these needs should not put our members’ financial safety at risk. That's where our innovative “Shop and Pay @ PSSLAI” campaign steps in, offering our members the freedom to shop now and pay later, in a way that is easy on their pocket.

Through partnerships with reputable merchants and property developers, including trusted brands like Power Mac, Samsung, Western Appliances, Trust Trade, Fiesta Tours and Travel, KServico, AutoHub, and premier real estate opportunities such as Tagbalai Heights Condominium and memorial lots at Heritage Park, we offer our members the luxury of choice without the burden of immediate financial strain. Through the wide array of loan products of PSSLAI, be it Salary or Pension Loan, or Back-to-Back Loan, members can avail any of the products or services offered by our merchant partners with discounts and perks designed EXCLUSIVELY for PSSLAI Members.

Why Choose Shop and Pay Later @ PSSLAI?

1. Low-Interest Rates: With our Credit Build Loan offering rates as low as 7.50% p.a., our members can make their purchases and still keep their savings safe and untouched. This gives them peace of mind,
knowing they can enjoy their new purchase without worrying about their money.

2. Ease and Convenience: No need to save up for months. Our members can get what they want, when they want it.

3. Diverse Shopping and Investment Opportunities: From electronics to vacations, and now including significant investments like condos in Tagbalai Heights in Cebu and memorial lots at Heritage Park.

4. For every qualified loan, you get a FREE BURIAL BENEFIT up to P100,000 coverage, ensuring the future security of your loved ones and providing them peace of mind during difficult times.

PSSLAI's Merchant Partners: